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MOCKLER Family Room Next Event:

Sunday 16th February
2pm (New York), 7pm (Ire)


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MOCKLER Family Room Next Event:

Sunday 16th February
2pm (New York), 7pm (Ire)


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MOCKLER Family History

Recorded in various spellings including Manclark, Moakler, Mockler and Mokler, this is a most unusual surname. It is usually English, but of pre medieval French-Breton origin, and as such was probably introduced across the Channel after the Invasion of 1066. The derivation is from the pre 8th century words "mau-clerc", and the literal translation is "The bad cleric". As such this was a medieval nickname for a member of the church who was considered by his fellows to be somewhat less than righteous in his devotion to the vows of celibacy. Indeed this is a surname that could only have been brought into existence if either a priest left the church and married, or remained within the church, but in someway gave his name to various offspring! There must have been a number of them, because the name appears in the Curia Regis Rolls for the county of Warwickshire in 1194, when Roger Malclerc is so recorded, whilst Walter Mauclerc was recorded in Lincoln in 1207...
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    June r Levesque

    Hi, my Name Is June, My Mom is Ann Mockler, her father is Gilbert Mockler, his father is James, His father is William 1837 to 1925, his father is Thomas 1804 to1874 he married Elizabeth Shea, his father is Patrick who was from Cashel and born 1770 to 1855 his wife is Honora. i am excited and finding my roots and hoping to move to Ireland at some poisnt. And to explore my family, there are a few things I would like to learn more about
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    Emily Muckler

    I see a few people talking about Patrick, who is also my ancestor! Cashel seems to have been the place where most of our ancestors hail from! 

    June, I have been trying to find where and why the change happens for a while now, as of now I can only pinpoint it to "typos" in some censuses, I've found other variants such as Meckler and Muckle, however way less. In my corner of the world, we're a good few to still be using the MU spelling! 
    Susan, thank you for your comment, those are new leads for me! I'll try to find out more info about the Moackler branch!?

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    June Levesque

    Hi, My ancestor Joseph Mockler came from Cashel, sailed in 1760’s to Canada, once there spelling of name changed to Muckler. I would appreciate any information ty June
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    Susan Moackler

    My immediate family is the only one I have been able to locate with the spelling of Moackler. My father's ancestors (two brothers, John and James) came from Ireland in the mid 1880s, through Boston, and 1st moved to St. Louis, then to Fremont, Nebraska, where they were shoemakers. My paternal grandfather was one of the brother's children. My last name is often mispronounced Mo-ack-ler. It is often misspelled as Moakler.
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    Hi Susan

    My great grandfather is a brother of John and James.  Who is your great grandfather ??


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    Sherry, I am related to the Patrick and Honorah Mockler family of Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland and Nova Scotia through Margaret Jane (Mockler) McGowan, the daughter of John and Eleanor Mockler. John was the son of Patrick and Honorah. Margaret’s brother was Patrick Mockler. See: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/157135574/patrick-mockler You can contact me at robdotstoddardathotmaildotcom Rob Stoddard
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    Is that Nova Scotia, Canada, North America ?


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    Hi, my grandmother's family came to Canada from Tipperary,Ireland. I have been able to trace them back to Patrick and Honora Mockler. Any more information about the Mockler's would be greatly appreciated. Sherry
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    Hi, I would like to connect to the Mockler/Walker family of Northern Ireland. Thanks Sherry
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